
Camp Shohola for Boys: Application for Financial Awards

Dear Prospective Shohola Parents,

In addition to your completed Camp Shohola for Boys enrollment application, the Camp Shohola Fund requires the following information to determine which campers to fund at what levels for the upcoming season.

Please complete this form in its entirety including copies of the requested material.
Send all material to:
Camp Shohola
105 Weber Road
Greeley, PA 18425

You may also get more information via
Camp Phone: 570-371-4750
Camp fax: 570-685-4563
Camp email:
Camp website:

The due date for previously funded campers is March 1st (priority is given to previous awardees but you must reapply). The due date for new applicants is April 1st. Incomplete or late information weakens applications. The inclusion of optional material listed below may strengthen applications.

Please provide the following:

(Fill out the fields below and a pdf will be generated you can print out)

  • Full name of child applicant: 
  • Full name of parents:
  • Are you applying for and/or have you received any other scholarship funds that could be applied to Camp Shohola tuition? If yes, how much and what is the status?  
  • The scholarship fund assumes parents will be able to cover transportation to camp and “camper envelope” funding for canteen, store and miscellaneous expenses. In addition to this, the Camp Shohola Scholarship fund encourages prospective parents to consider paying some portion of total camp costs, if even a small portion of the tuition. What amount would you be able to contribute? 
  • Is your child on free or partial school lunch program?
  • May the Camp Shohola Fund Award Committee members contact you directly for further information? If so, please provide ways to reach you and indicate preference?
    • Home phone:
    • Work phone:
    • Cell phone:
    • Email:

Please also attach copies of the following:

(Required) Your most recent tax return from both legal guardians (if submitted in a prior year, please submit most recent)

(Optional) Please provide any additional documentation not covered by your tax returns that demonstrates your need (pay stub, legal documents, w2, etc)

(Optional) A cover letter (no more than 1 page) explaining why you feel your son should be awarded.

(Optional) A single letter of recommendation (ideally not from a relative) can accompany your application or be mailed directly to Camp Shohola for Boys FULL ADDRESS. Note: recommendation letters must arrive by the application deadline to be considered.

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